For the treatment, the osteopath will let herself be guided by her osteopathic thinking. In many cases, she will not start with treating the body region exhibiting the symptoms. Much rather, she will try to resolve the underlying issues wherever these are located (see "examples").
The osteopathic treatment approach is purely manual and targeted to restore undisturbed interactive mobility of the individual body structures. Osteopathy utilises of a variety of specific techniques so that treatment can be tailored to your individual needs and wishes. The treatment focus is always to restore the self-healing forces within the body. This is done by releasing blockages and tensions, thus optimizing the nervous supply and the circulation of blood and lymph fluid.
Treatment itself is but an impulse or trigger for healing. The body will continue this process until it reaches a new equilibrium. During this period (usually one to four weeks) the osteopath will leave the body alone to ensure that  the self-regulation forces are not disturbed. Only after this time has passed will examination and treatment be resumed.

“Find it, fix it, leave it alone” (A.T.Still)

The number of treatment sessions will vary considerably between chronic conditions, usually requiring more prolonged treatment, and acute conditions. In certain cases you may be given instructions for supportive exercises or lifestyle changes will be recommended for the benefit of your health. You may also be advised to obtain additional treatment (e.g. physiotherapy, lymph drainage, Feldenkrais…).